Technical and Soft Skills You Need as an EKG Technician

Submitted by cmiller on Thu, 12/21/2023 - 15:46

As an EKG Technician, you’re the first person the doctor calls when they suspect a patient has a heart problem. They rely on your skillset for an accurate electrocardiogram, a readout of heart activity that can help them pinpoint a diagnosis. While your focus is to generate a clear and accurate EKG for each patient, it takes more than knowledge of the EKG machine to succeed in this profession. Here are some of the technical and soft skills you need to be an EKG Technician:

Technical Skills for an EKG Technician 

Heart Anatomy and Physiology

Since your job focuses on the heart, it’s important that you understand the organ’s anatomy and physiology. You should know the difference between veins, vessels, arteries, and valves, and recognize them by sight. You also need to be able to differentiate between a normal heart rhythm and arrhythmia that might be dangerous.

Cardiac Electrical System

Your heart beats because of an electrical impulse that starts in the sinus node. This is what makes the heart beat, expanding and contracting to pump blood throughout your body. Normal heartrate is 60 to 100 beats per minute. As a Cardiac Technician, you need to understand the function of the electrical system, the sequence of electrical signals, and when something is amiss. You should also be able recognize abnormalities such as heart block, which prevents electrical signals from moving from the atria to the ventricles.

Performing Electrocardiograms

One of the most important skills you need is the ability to perform the EKG itself. You need to know how to use the EKG machine to perform 3,5, and 12-lead cardiograms. You need to correctly place the electrodes and check the readout for accuracy. When the machine isn’t in use, you help maintain it and when it’s not working properly, you call in a Medical Equipment Technician to service it.

Patient Care and Safety

For any healthcare professional who interacts with patients, one of the most important skills you can hone is patient care. When patients come for an EKG, they may feel nervous or scared about the procedure or the pending results. You can ease their worries and help them relax by being kind, walking them through the EKG process, and ensuring they feel as comfortable as possible on the table.

Soft Skills for an EGK Technician 

Attention to Detail

Heart abnormalities or electrical irregularities won’t always stand out in the image. You need to be able to recognize small details and what they could mean for the patient’s health. A good eye for detail can also help you determine whether the reading is accurate or whether you placed the electrodes correctly.


Communication is critical in any healthcare setting. Throughout the day, you’ll interact with colleagues and patients, and you should know how to communicate with each. With patients, you should be able to break down unfamiliar terms, and listen to their questions and concerns. With doctors and nurses, you should speak their language and explain any problems you might see in the EKG. They may provide you with follow-up instructions that you should listen to closely.

Problem Solving

Not every EKG will go smoothly. The machine may act up or the reading might be unclear. In those instances, it’s time to pull out your problem-solving skills. For example, you might have an electrode that needs to be replaced or the computer system might have a glitch that prevents the EKG from being performed properly. With sound problem-solving skills, you know what to do or when to call the equipment repair technician or IT team for assistance.

Time Management

Every day, you will see many patients. Some days, you may be completely booked. It’s important to have good time management skills so you can keep the schedule running smoothly for yourself and your patients. The average EKG takes about 10 minutes to complete, but you also need to build in time to prep and a few minutes after to remove the electrodes and clean up. You should schedule your patients accordingly and keep a steady pace throughout the day so you don’t waste the patient’s time by moving too slowly or make mistakes by moving too quickly.

If you want to sharpen these soft skills and develop the technical know-how for a career as an EKG Tech, connect with Charter Career Academy today. We offer EKG Technician training that can be completed in as few as 10 weeks. Our programs are affordable to meet your budget, and flexible for your convenience. Click the link to learn more.