What Computer Skills Do You Need in Medical Billing and Coding?

Submitted by cmiller on Thu, 11/30/2023 - 03:00
Medical billing and coding specialist

Medical billing and coding used to be done by hand. Medical records were often handwritten files and stacks of insurance claims were shuffled from patients to doctors to accounts payables. But today, medical records are kept online, and insurance claims are filed and tracked through software systems. That means if you want to work in medical billing and coding you need a good set of computer skills, including:

Spreadsheets and Word Documents

Computerized spreadsheets have tables with columns and rows and allow for the organization, storage, and analysis of data. In billing and coding, you might use spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel to organize, manage, and track codes. Excel’s pivot table feature can help you filter or group important billing data and create charts and graphs that can be presented to administrators. And familiarity with spreadsheets will make it easier for you to learn and understand specific coding software.

An understanding of document software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs can help you write and share notes and memos. You can prepare drafts and craft messages or create agendas and to-do lists that are easy to access. The more comfortable you are at a keyboard and on a computer, the more successful you will be in a billing and coding role.

Computer Communication Tools

Each day, you interact with co-workers, supervisors, doctors, nurses, vendors, and insurance company representatives, so it’s important to know how to use the right digital tools to communicate with them. You should know how to write and send emails, how to archive old messages, and how to group your contacts. For those quick questions, knowledge of instant messaging applications like Skype and Microsoft Teams can come in handy. And if you need to set up or attend a department meeting, you should be familiar with software like Zoom.

Medical Billing Software

Healthcare facilities use medical billing software, like Health Cloud and Kareo Billing, to file and submit insurance claims. Although your organization may use a different tool, software across the industry is similar. The forms you need to fill out will also be the same. You should know how to accurately fill out forms on the computer, how to track the status of each claim, and how to go back and correct errors. Some billing software can also help you generate bills and assign codes to patient medical records.

Computerized Coding Manuals

While print copies of the industry coding manuals still exist, it is easier to look up more complicated codes online. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers the ICD-10, one of the most common coding manuals, as a searchable website. The online manual can display the information needed in multiple formats, and it provides pop-up instructional notes—both helpful features that can only be found in a virtual tool.

Electronic Health Records

Patient medical records are accessed and maintained virtually, so you should know how to log into the Electronic Health Record portal, and how to update patient information. For each claim you submit, you use the codes assigned to the record to fill out the form. The codes you enter represent the patient’s symptoms, diagnosis, and any treatments given during the visit. The insurance company uses those codes to assess what is covered under the patient’s insurance plan and determine how much your facility will be reimbursed. Oftentimes, you’ll code the records yourself, streamlining the billing and coding process.

Are you ready to hone all of the necessary computer skills for a career in medical billing and coding? Contact Charter Career Academy today. We offer a training program in medical billing and coding that can help you develop computer skills along with knowledge of insurance claims, fraud prevention, and medical terminology. Our program can prepare you for national certification and is offered entirely online for your convenience. Fill out the form to learn more.